What is the Average Lifespan of New Plumbing?
Whether we are talking about plumbing installed when the house was built or plumbing which was replaced along the way, pipes have a life expectancy. Depending on the materials the pipes were made from and the environment in which they lay, the predicted range can vary. However, in general they will last about the same no matter where they are, give or take 5-10 years.
Plumbing installed in the early to mid 1900’s was usually always made from metal materials, such as steel pipes, cast iron, or even aluminum in some cases. A plumber in Melbourne, Florida recently informed us that much of the plumbing replacements he does now involves some form of plastic piping. These materials have different material combinations but in general are plastic derivatives.
Metal pipes have a life expectancy of 80-100 years. These include cast iron, copper and galvanized steel. PVC piping only lasts about 25-50 years. Usually pipes protected behind walls last longer because they are not subjected to the wild temperature swings and external elements such as rain and dirt. In fact, you will often hear about someone’s cast iron sewage pipe collapsing in the ground and they only find out about it when sewage starts backing up into the home or the ground suddenly caves in.
Events like these can and do happen. This is why it is important have a plan ready for when they do. Make sure you have access to a good plumber. Make sure you have a few grand tucked away in emergency savings. Credit cards will work fine as well. Not being able to flush or use your shower are pretty dire circumstances to live under. You will want the work to be done as quickly and as professionally as possible.
Keep this article in the back of your mind because plumbing issues affect us all at some point. Occasionally, take a look at and inspect plumbing visual to the naked eye, such as in your basement, garage, attic or crawls spaces. The condition of these pipes will help you get a better idea of what kind of shape unseen plumbing in your home is in.