Industrial climbing is a type of work that uses climbing methods and equipment to access objects. Industrial climbers perform a wide range of tasks, including:
- Installation and removal of equipment
- Cleaning of facades
- Repair and maintenance of buildings and structures
- Glazing of buildings
- Sealing of seams
- Painting and other work at height
- Insulation of apartment facades.
In Ukraine, Europe, and America, there are different requirements for permits and work methods for industrial climbers.
In Ukraine, the requirements for industrial climbers are regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities” and the Regulation on the Procedure for Conducting Work at Height.
To work as an industrial climber in Ukraine, you must have the following documents:
- A certificate of completion of training in the industrial climber training program
- A medical examination
- A civil liability insurance policy.
Training for industrial climbers in Ukraine is conducted in specialized training centers. The training program includes theoretical and practical training.
When performing work at height, industrial climbers in Ukraine must comply with the following requirements:
- Use only working equipment
- Follow safety rules
- Have a first-aid kit with you.
In Europe, the requirements for industrial climbers are regulated by Directive 2008/104/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council.
To work as an industrial climber in Europe, you must have the following documents:
- A certificate of completion of training in the industrial climber training program accredited in accordance with Directive 2008/104/EC
- A medical examination
- A civil liability insurance policy.
Training for industrial climbers in Europe is conducted in specialized training centers. The training program includes theoretical and practical training.
When performing work at height, industrial climbers in Europe must comply with the following requirements:
- Use only equipment that meets European standards
- Follow safety rules
- Have a first-aid kit with you.
In America, the requirements for industrial climbers are regulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
To work as an industrial climber in America, you must have the following documents:
- A certificate of completion of training in the industrial climber training program accredited by OSHA
- A medical examination
- A civil liability insurance policy.
Training for industrial climbers in America is conducted in specialized training centers. The training program includes theoretical and practical training.
Comparative analysis
In general, the requirements for industrial climbers in Ukraine, Europe, and America are similar. However, there are some differences.
In Ukraine, the requirements for training for industrial climbers are less stringent than in Europe and America. In Ukraine, training is conducted in specialized training centers that are not necessarily accredited in accordance with international standards. In Europe and America, training for industrial climbers is conducted in training centers accredited by the relevant authorities.
In Ukraine, the requirements for equipment used by industrial climbers are less stringent than in Europe and America. In Europe and America, equipment used by industrial climbers must meet European or American standards.
In Ukraine, the requirements for safety when performing work at height are less stringent than in Europe and America. In Europe and America, industrial climbers must comply with stricter safety rules.
IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) is an international organization that sets standards for industrial climbing. The organization was founded in 1985 in the United Kingdom.
The IRATA certificate is recognized in many countries around the world. It indicates that an industrial climber has completed training in a program that meets international standards.
In Ukraine, Europe, and America, there are many companies that provide the services of IRATA-certified industrial climbers.
In comparison with Europe and America, the requirements for industrial climbers in Ukraine are less stringent. This is due to the fact that Ukraine does not have a single legislative act that regulates the activities of industrial climbers.
To improve the level of safety of work at height in Ukraine, it is necessary to improve legislation and standards in the field of industrial climbing. In particular, it is necessary:
- Adopt a single legislative act that will regulate the activities of industrial climbers.
- Implement IRATA requirements for training, equipment, and safety when performing work at height.
These measures will help ensure a high level of safety of work at height in Ukraine and protect the lives and health of workers.